Sabtu, 15 Juni 2019

Meetings 3

Coordinate Conjunction

Made By : Bayu Irawan 

Because  Maria  was feeling  sick, she didn't go to the supermarket.
Because of
Because of  feeling sick, Maria didn't go to the supermarket.
Although it’s hard, Ian decides to keep trying
So that
I’ll go by plane so that I can save time.
Neither..... nor
Neither of your statements is present in social media nor face-to-face methods
The virus spread so fast that everyone being sick at the same time.
Not only.... But also
Jack is not only smart, but also he’s brave.
Either my brother or my mother sweeps the floor every morning
Both...... And
Both Tina and Andi don’t like to watch horror movies

Pasive Voice 

Made By :Umar Sudarmaji

1. Simple Present Tense
Aktif : S + do/does + V1
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O
-Contoh 1:
Aktif : Students speak English
Pasif : English is spoken by students
-Contoh 2:
Aktif : My mother cleans the kitchen once a week
Pasif : The kitchen is cleaned by mother once a week

2. Present Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
-Contoh 1:
Aktif : Students is speaking English
Pasif : English is being spoken by students
-Contoh 2:
Aktif : Nita is writing the letter right now
Pasif : The letter is being written by Nita

3. Present Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + have/has + V3 + O
Pasif : S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
-Contoh :
Aktif : Students have spoken English
Pasif : English has been spoken by students

4. Simple Past Tense
Aktif : S + V2 + O
Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O
-Contoh :
Aktif : Students spoke English
Pasif : English was spoken by students

5. Past Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + being + V3 + by + O
-Contoh :
Aktif : Students were speaking English
Pasif : English was being spoken by students

6. Past Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + had not + V3 + O
Pasif : S + had + been + V3 + by + O
-Contoh :
Aktif : Students had spoken English
Pasif : English had been spoken by students

7. Simple Future Tense
Aktif : S + will not + V1 + O
Pasif : S + will be + V3 + by + O
-Contoh :
Aktif : Students will speak English
Pasif : English will be spoken by students

8. Simple Future Past Tense
Aktif : S + would +  V1 + O
Pasif : S + would + be + V3 + by + O
-Contoh :
Aktif : Students would speak English
Pasif : English would be spoken by students

Clausative Verbs

Made By : Raden Aria Jatmika

1. Have
Positive sentence (+)
Formula : S + have/had + agent/person + action verb (bare infinitive) + object. 
                   S+ have/had + object + past participle (V-3).    

Negative sentence (-)
Formula : S + don’t/doesn’t + have + object + past participle (V-3).    

Question sentence (?)
Formula : do/does + S + have + object + past participle (V-3) + ?

Example :
(+) I had my brother repair the radio.
(-) I don’t have my brother repair the radio.
(?) Do you have your brother repair the radio ?

(+) Mr. Rizal had Bayu check the paper. 
(-)  Mr. Rizal doesn’t have Bayu check the paper.
(?)  Does Mr. Rizal have Bayu check the paper ?

(+) I had my shoes cleaned yesterday. 
(-)  I doesn’t have my shoes clean.
(?)  Do you have your shoes clean ?

(+) I had my motorcycle fixed. 
(-) I don’t have my motorcycle fix.
(?) Do you have your motorcycle fix ?

(+) I had the mechanic look at my broken car. 
(-) I don’t have mechanic look at my broken car.
(?) Do you have mechanic look at your broken car ?

(+) I had my car washed. 
(-) I don’t have my car wash.
(?) Did you have your car wash ?

(+) Wishnu will have his house painted.
(-) Wishnu will not have his house paint.
(?) Will Wishnu have his house paint ?

(+) Genta had his house cleaned. 
(-) Genta doesn’t have his house clean.
(?) Does Genta have his house clean ?

(+) I had my watch repaired.
(-) I don’t have my watch repair.
(?) Do you have your watch repair ?

(+) I had somebody cooked my breakfast.
(-) I don’t have somebody cook my breakfast.
(?) Did you have somebody cook your breakfast ?

2. Get
Positive sentence (+)
Formula : S + get/got + agent + action verb (to infinitive). 
                        S + got + object + action verb (V-3). 

Negative sentence (-)
Formula : S + don’t/doesn’t + get + object + past participle (V-3).    

Question sentence (?)
Formula : do/does + S + get + object + past participle (V-3) + ?
Example :

(+) I get somebody repair the camera.
(-) I don’t get somebody repair the camera.
(?) Do you get somebody repair the camera ?

(+) Mr. Rizal get Raihan check the machine. 
(-)  Mr. Rizal doesn’t get Raihan check the machine.
(?)  Does Mr. Rizal get Raihan check the machine ?

(+) I got my bag cleaned yesterday. 
(-)  I doesn’t get my bag clean.
(?)  Do you get your bag clean ?

(+) I get my car fixed. 
(-) I don’t get my car fix.
(?) Do you get your car fix ?

(+) I get the mechanic look at my broken motorcycle. 
(-) I don’t get mechanic look at my broken motorcycle.
(?) Do you get mechanic look at your broken motorcycle ?

(+) I get my car washed. 
(-) I don’t get my car wash.
(?) Did you get your car wash ?

(+) Wishnu will get his house painted.
(-) Wishnu will not get his house paint.
(?) Will Wishnu get his house paint ?

(+) Genta get his room cleaned. 
(-) Genta doesn’t get his room clean.
(?) Does Genta get his room clean ?

(+) I get my watch repaired.
(-) I don’t get my watch repair.
(?) Do you get your watch repair ?

(+) I get an assisstant cooked my breakfast.
(-) I don’t get an assisstant cook my breakfast.
(?) Did you get an assisstant cook your breakfast ?

Relative Clause

Made By : Yudha Diva

  • The man who looks happy is working in the library.
  • Shafa whose you saw last Sunday is my sister.
  • My campus which i like study is located in depok
  • I like the meatball which taste so good.
  • The novel which i read in a day was interesting.
  • The lion which eats goat is the strongest lion in the zoo.
  • The zoo which names taman safari is located in cisarua
  • Miyo which likes eat very much is my cat.
  • I thanked the woman who helped my mother.

Dangling Construction

Made By : Qory Fajriyan

1. After taking a three-month bicycle trip through Montana, my dog was happy to see me.
2. After reading the book, the movie is going to be great
3. Wrapped in wax paper, the picnickers couldn't see if the sandwiches were tuna or egg salad. 
4. Rolling down the hill, Larry saw an avalance of rocks approaching. 
5. After placing bets, the horses headed to the starting gate.
6. Looking out of the window, a breath-taking view was seen
7. To sew a gown well, sit near a strong light.
8. To choose the perfect soulmate, knowing each other is must to do
9. To win this game, you need game strategy
10. Sleeping in the garden, the car hit me



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